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GET /swap/v1/price

/swap/v1/price can be used to acquire an indicative price for a transaction.

Rather than returning a transaction that can be submitted to an Ethereum node, this resource simply indicates the pricing that would be available for an analogous call to /swap/v1/quote.

Intended for use with RFQ-T; see Indicative Pricing & Firm Quotes for more details.


Identical to the request schema for /swap/v1/quote, with a few exceptions on all supported chains:

  • For /price, the default of skipValidation=true but can be overridden to false, whereas for /quote, the default of skipValidation=false but can be overridden to true
  • The intentOnFilling field will always be undefined.
Query ParamDescriptionExample
sellTokenThe ERC20 token address or symbol of the token you want to send. Native token such as "ETH" can be provided as a valid sellToken. If the symbol given is not supported, try using token address instead.sellToken=ETH, sellToken=0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f
buyTokenThe ERC20 token address or symbol of the token you want to receive. Native token such as "ETH" can be provided as a valid buyToken.If the symbol given is not supported, try using token address instead.buyToken=ETH, buyToken=0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f
sellAmount(Optional) The amount of sellToken (in sellToken base units) you want to send.sellAmount=100000000000
buyAmount(Optional) The amount of buyToken(in buyToken base units) you want to receive.buyAmount=100000000000
slippagePercentage(Optional, default is 0.01) The maximum acceptable slippage of the buyToken amount if sellAmount is provided; The maximum acceptable slippage of the sellAmount amount if buyAmount is provided (e.g. 0.03 for 3% slippage allowed). The lowest possible value that can be set for this parameter is 0; in other words, no amount of slippage would be allowed. If no value for this optional parameter is provided in the API request, the default slippage percentage is 1%.slippagePercentage=0.03
gasPrice(Optional, defaults to ethgasstation "fast") The target gas price (in wei) for the swap transaction. If the price is too low to achieve the quote, an error will be returned.gasPrice=1000000
takerAddress(Optional) The address which will fill the quote. When provided the gas will be estimated and returned and the entire transaction will be validated for success. If the validation fails a Revert Error will be returned in the response. The quote should be fillable if this address is provided. For example, make sure this address has enough token balance.takerAddress=0xa8aac589a67ecfade31efde49a062cc21d68a64e
excludedSources(Optional) Liquidity sources (Uniswap, SushiSwap, 0x, Curve, etc) that will not be included in the provided quote. See here for a full list of sources.excludedSources=Uniswap,SushiSwap,Curve
includedSources(Optional) For now only supports RFQT, which should be used when the integrator only wants RFQT liquidity without any other DEX orders. Requires a particular agreement with the 0x integrations team. This parameter cannot be combined with excludedSources.includedSources=RFQT
skipValidation(Optional) Normally, whenever a takerAddress is provided, the API will validate the quote for the user.

For more details, see "How does takerAddress help with catching issues?".

When this parameter is set to true, that validation will be skipped.

Also see Quote Validation here. For /quote , the default of skipValidation=false but can be overridden to true .
feeRecipient(Optional) The ETH address that should receive affiliate fees specified with buyTokenPercentageFee . Can be used combination with buyTokenPercentageFee to set a commission/trading fee when using the API.

Learn more about how to setup a trading fee/commission fee/transaction fee here in the FAQs.
buyTokenPercentageFee(Optional) The percentage (between 0 - 1.0) of the buyAmount that should be attributed to feeRecipient as affiliate fees. Note that this requires that the feeRecipient parameter is also specified in the request. Learn more about how to setup a trading fee/commission fee/transaction fee here in the FAQs.buyTokenPercentageFee=0.1
affiliateAddress(Required) An ETH address for which to attribute the trade for tracking and analytics purposes. It can ben any valid ETH address, since it’s just for tagging purposes.

Passing this parameter with your API queries also allows us to provide you data about total volume traded in your application, pairs, MAUs, etc. similar to this dashboard.

Additionally, affiliateAddress will allow your project to get metrics on your user's trades via the 0x Explorer analytics tools.

Note affiliateAddress is only for tracking trades and has no impact on affiliate fees, for affiliate fees use feeRecipient .
affiliateAddress=0xa8aac589a67ecfade31efde49a062cc21d68a64e Here’s an example request (you just need to replace with your chosen affiliateAddress):
enableSlippageProtection(Optional) A boolean field, set to true or false. If enableSlippageProtection is either not set or set to true, the quote will be adjusted for MEV-aware slippage.

If enableSlippageProtection is false, the quote returned will not be adjusted for MEV-aware slippage (this is recommended for meta-aggregators & integrators who will compare the quoted price with other sources).

See affects on buyAmount , price , and expectedSlippage in the Response fields.

Read more about Slippage Protection .
priceImpactProtectionPercentage(Optional, defaults to 100%) The percentage (between 0 - 1.0) of allowed price impact.

When priceImpactProtectionPercentage is set, estimatedPriceImpact is returned which estimates the change in the price of the specified asset that would be caused by the executed swap due to price impact.

If the estimated price impact is above the percentage indicated, an error will be returned. For example, if PriceImpactProtectionPercentage=.15 (15%), any quote with a price impact higher than 15% will return an error.

This is an opt-in feature, the default value of 1.0 will disable the feature. When it is set to 1.0 (100%) it means that every transaction is allowed to pass.

Note: When we fail to calculate Price Impact we will return null and Price Impact Protection will be disabled See affects on estimatedPriceImpact in the Response fields. Read more about price impact protection and how to set it up here.


Identical to the response schema for /swap/v1/quote, with the execption that the orders property, guaranteedPrice, to and data fields will always be undefined

priceIf buyAmount was specified in the request it provides the price of buyToken in sellToken and vice versa. This price does not include the slippage provided in the request above, and therefore represents the best possible price.

If buyTokenPercentageFee and feeRecipientwere set, the fee amount will be part of this returned price. If enableSlippageProtection in the request was not false, the buyAmount & price responses returned will factor slippage in its routing.
estimatedPriceImpactWhen priceImpactProtectionPercentage is set, this value returns the estimated change in the price of the specified asset that would be caused by the executed swap due to [price impact(/0x-swap-api/advanced-topics/price-impact-protection)].

Note: If we fail to estimate price change we will return null.

Read more about price impact protection and how to set it up here .
valueThe amount of ether (in wei) that should be sent with the transaction. (Assuming protocolFee is paid in ether).
gasPriceThe gas price (in wei) that should be used to send the transaction. The transaction needs to be sent with this gasPrice or lower for the transaction to be successful.
gasThe estimated gas limit that should be used to send the transaction to guarantee settlement. While a computed estimate is returned in all responses, an accurate estimate will only be returned if a takerAddress is included in the request.
estimatedGasThe estimate for the amount of gas that will actually be used in the transaction. Always less than gas.
protocolFeeThe maximum amount of ether that will be paid towards the protocol fee (in wei), and what is used to compute the value field of the transaction.
minimumProtocolFeeThe minimum amount of ether that will be paid towards the protocol fee (in wei) during the transaction.
buyAmountThe amount of buyToken (in buyToken units) that would be bought in this swap. Certain on-chain sources do not allow specifying buyAmount, when using buyAmount these sources are excluded.
sellAmountThe amount of sellToken (in sellToken units) that would be sold in this swap. Specifying sellAmount is the recommended way to interact with 0xAPI as it covers all on-chain sources.
sourcesThe percentage distribution of buyAmount or sellAmount split between each liquidity source. Ex: [{ name: '0x', proportion: "0.8" }, { name: 'Kyber', proportion: "0.2"}, ...]
buyTokenAddressThe ERC20 token address of the token you want to receive in quote.
sellTokenAddressThe ERC20 token address of the token you want to sell with quote.
allowanceTargetThe target contract address for which the user needs to have an allowance in order to be able to complete the swap. For swaps with "ETH" as sellToken, wrapping "ETH" to "WETH" or unwrapping "WETH" to "ETH" no allowance is needed, a null address of 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 is then returned instead.
sellTokenToEthRateThe rate between ETH and sellToken
buyTokenToEthRateThe rate between ETH and buyToken
expectedSlippageThis is the expected slippage used in routing calculations for the quote returned. It is the value of slippage that we estimate that the selected route will have:

- It can be used by integrators to calculate the Final Expected Amount for the asset: i.e. calculated as (buyAmount * expectedSlippage )

- It will only be returned when enableSlippageProtection is not set to false


Get the price available for selling 1 ETH for DAI​




"price": "391.1643362",
"value": "11340000000000000",
"gasPrice": "81000000000",
"gas": "605952",
"estimatedGas": "504960",
"protocolFee": "11340000000000000",
"minimumProtocolFee": "5670000000000000",
"buyTokenAddress": "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f",
"buyAmount": "391164336200000000000",
"sellTokenAddress": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
"sellAmount": "1000000000000000000",
"sources": [
"name": "0x",
"proportion": "1"
"name": "Uniswap",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Uniswap_V2",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Eth2Dai",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Kyber",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Curve",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "LiquidityProvider",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "MultiBridge",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Balancer",
"proportion": "0"
"estimatedGasTokenRefund": "252480",
"allowanceTarget": "0xdef1c0ded9bec7f1a1670819833240f027b25eff"