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📃 Contract Addresses

For JavaScript/TypeScript developers, we publish the @0x/contract-addresses package to NPM with all these addresses.

You can find the full list of addresses here:

0x v4​

Ethereum Mainnet (Chain ID: 1)​

Goerli Testnet (Chain ID: 5)​

Binance Smart Chain (Chain ID: 56)​

Polygon (Chain ID: 137)​

Mumbai (Chain ID: 80001)​

Avalanche (Chain ID: 43114)​

Fantom (Chain ID: 250)​

Celo (Chain ID: 42220)​

Optimism (Chain ID: 10)​

Arbitrum (Chain ID: 42161)​

0x v3​

Ethereum Mainnet (Chain ID: 1)​

Ropsten Testnet (Chain ID: 3)​
